Thursday, June 14, 2012

Any ideas ?

I borrow my dad 500$ and my mom 500$.
I bought a camera which is cost 970$ and i still have 30$ left.

as a good kid, I pay back my dad 10$ and my Mom 10$ and I keep 10$.

So, Totally i woned my dad 490$ and my Mom 490$

490$ + 490$ = 980$

add up my 10$ it should be 990

Here is the point ! where is the 10$ goes ?


Glitch Diamond said...

Dont forget you bought a cam with the price of 970$. So here is ur money:

980$ (money u owed ur parents)-970$ (ur cam) = 10$ (u keep it)

There is no 10$ :P

gäãra-dě-sañd said...

u got this from facebook... i think I just saw it yesterday or sth... And if m not mistaken, u increase the price tenfold :D

Anonymous said...

@Pich: so smart Thumb up :P)

@Davuth: I did copy from fb but i made some change:)